A few rules to start with:
1. You do not have to dress up for the wedding! We would love it if most of you would embrace this theme but will not be upset in any way if you decide it's not for you. If you wish to wear jeans, you may! There are some fantastic Steampunk t-shirts on the market that would look splendid! http://www.zazzle.co.uk/steampunk+tshirts
2. It is NOT a fancy dress party. If you Google 'Steampunk' you may be horrified with the freakish costumes made up of mechanical arms, S+M style leathers and the like. This is not the look we're thinking of. A more subtle styling of this idea is what we would like to achieve. However, if you do want to go the whole hog, you will of course be praised.
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If you have any queries about any aspect of the wedding, Steampunk related or not, please email us at: BlunderbussWedding@gmail.com
Here's a video from the 2011 UK Steampunk Convention in Lincoln. These guys describe it all perfectly really.
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Here's a video from the 2011 UK Steampunk Convention in Lincoln. These guys describe it all perfectly really.
Below is some footage from the Steampunk exhibition that myself and Roz went to, held at the 'Museum of the History of Science' in Oxford, in February 2010.
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Below are some links to Steampunk sites on the net:
This one is particularly good: http://steampunkculture.com/Stores.html
And one that the ladies might find fun - http://pinkparasol.deviantart.com/art/Dress-Me-Up-Clockwork-Couture-112801585
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A few pictures to get some ideas for clothing
A good 'cheat' would be just to get a nice waistcoat. For men this can be worn with dark trousers, a light shirt and nice shiny shoes.
For women, a shirt and waistcoat, worn with a long skirt and some boots would work really well.
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We have included some links to music videos that use the Steampunk theme, the Smashing Pumpkins one is in homage to 'Trip to the Moon' a 1902 film; a link to the original is included immediately below.
Tonight Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins
A Trip to the Moon
And here we have "Steampunk Rapper" Professor Elemental, with 'Fighting Trousers'
and, 'Cup of Brown Joy'
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Films to watch for inspiration.......
Sweeny Todd (2007 Tim Burton version)
The Illusionist (2006)
Sherlock Holmes (2009 - Guy Ritchie version)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)